Along with a hermit crab named Jet Jackson, whose shell is painted with a Batman emblem, my wondrous roommate gifted me a “Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit” calendar. The magnetic calendar that now sits to the right of my computer consists of a county saying for each day of 2010. One would think that these quotes might make some sort of sense to an average city girl like me, but no dice. Reading ahead, I have found that many of the Hicksville sayings would not even be comprehendible by a rural Billiejoe Schmo who grew up in Cut Off, Louisiana or the cornfields of Indiana. To ring in the New Year, this calendar states “It’s time for all of us to put on the dog.” WTF?!?! Who in the eff would ever say that? I will undoubtedly continue to be baffled by this calendar for the remaining 361 days of ’10… I wish myself good luck.
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