Friday, November 27, 2009

Maybe try to smile with your mouth closed?...

"I really hate people who have tiny teeth and BIG gums. I mean it isn't their fault, but why can't they smile with their mouth closed?"

Okay, time to be a little rude. Have you ever seen those people who have gums that seem to OVERPOWER their mouths? You know, their teeth look like they had been popped out of an American Girl doll and pushed straight up into a grown adult’s mouth? It is plain weird.

It has been my experience that these unfortunate individuals either smile far too much considering the circumstances, or are the ones who can’t ever stop talking. In reality they, more than anyone else, should realize that their teeth are freakishly small and I don’t know? Smile with their mouth shut? Use one of these memo pads that mutes use?

I completely understand that it is not their fault for having this odd physical trait, but maybe they should all consider some type of oral surgery. Better yet, they should take a few weeks to practice smiling and talking in front of a mirror. Hey, beauty queens do it all the time.

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